Developing Resilience Through Youth Work
September 2019, Zagórze Śląskie, Poland | Developing Resilience Through Youth Work – Wroclaw, PL. The mobility of youth workers project that has the potential to change the entire working culture…
IDEA*LAB aims to change the social environmental setting. We have developed a structure that is very special and unique in terms of social responsibility, where we fully commit for a positive social change of individuals, organizations and institutions in general. We define better standards in European citizens' physical, social and economic daily life conditions. In this matter, we organize events, projects, campaigns, actions and lead the social steps towards better world.
IDEA*LAB is engaged in the fields of innovative design and research for both formal and non-formal education practices, as well as professional consultancy services for creating a new type of social alliance. Our main aim is to promote social policies based on knowledge and experience. We work on creating new tools and policies in Youth Work, Adult Education and VET, and building a knowledge-based society specially linked to non-formal and informal learning.
IDEA*LAB has great experience and strong position in the field of social innovation by having experts with practice in various offices, research institutions. We actively take part and organize trainings, conferences and workshops for various participants at different levels. Our experts develop publications and commits for the development of civil society by focusing on topics: entrepreneurship in the context of social responsibility, organizational and financial management of NGOs, innovative online tools for social PR, intercultural dialogue, inclusion of migrants into the society and other.
BIO: Ufuk Bal is the Programme Director of educational research department IDEA*LAB as the key expert and consultant. He has been actively working and coordinating several projects in youth, adult education and VET and as consultant at CoE, EC, and several ministries in Europe. His strong skills and knowledge on developing formal and non-formal education programme as well as coordination of large scale events are the key of IDEA*LAB that provides services on sustainable development of society. His main focus on Social Innovation through creating link between CSOs and SMEs as well as ADULT and YOUTH as inter-generational dialogue defines the scope of activities in IDEA*LAB.
Areas of Expertise: Capacity Building, Social Inclusion, Youth Policy, Moderation and Trainings
BIO: Michal Hermanowicz is the project manager and coordinator of IDEA*LAB. He is fully in cooperation with the business sector and foundations (CSO) developing innovative approaches which brings them together with multidisciplinary approach for new understanding in society by connecting individuals with the social and business sector together.
Areas of Expertise: Project Management, SMEs Development Plan, Entrepreneurship
BIO: One of the experts that have joined the cooperation with IDEA*LAB is Alicja Konury.
She is the main expert on digital skills, professional branding as well as public relations and marketing of CSO. She has wide range experience working with youth and developing educational models for children and students.
Areas of Expertise: Digital Youth Work, NGO Digital Marketing, Advocacy Campaign Management
BIO: Joanna Kamuda is the marketing specialist and public relations of IDEA*LAB. She is key person in the structure of the ADULT Education and VET with high skills in managemet and online education matters. She takes the initiative on developing education programs and workshops and supporting the social innovation in Poland.
Areas of Expertise: Social Marketing, Project Management, Philosophy, Public Relations
September 2019, Zagórze Śląskie, Poland | Developing Resilience Through Youth Work – Wroclaw, PL. The mobility of youth workers project that has the potential to change the entire working culture…
December 2022 – November 2024 | IDEA LAB Foundation has been partner to a long term strategic partnership THE YOUTH ONE STOP AGENCY (YOSA) 2.0. The project represents an innovative…
Czerwiec 2024, Wrocław / Sobótka | Projekt „Weź to na miękko – kompetencje przyszłości” był realizowany w ramach zadania „Młodzież aktywna na rynku pracy”, na zlecenie Urzędu Marszałkowskiego Województwa Dolnośląskiego,…
Październik / Listopad 2023, Sobótka / Oleśnica / Wrocław | Projekt „Chcę – wiem – umiem” był realizowany w ramach zadania „Młodzież aktywna na rynku pracy”, na zlecenie Urzędu Marszałkowskiego…
Wrzesień / Październik / Listopad 2022, Mysłakowice / Ząbkowice Śląskie / Wrocław | Projekt „Miękkie lądowanie na rynku pracy” był realizowany w ramach zadania „Młodzież aktywna na rynku pracy”, na…
Październik 2021, Oleśnica | Projekt „Wejdź w świat online z wartościami” jest realizowany w ramach zadania „Działania wspierające aktywizację młodzieży na rynku pracy”, na zlecenie Urzędu Marszałkowskiego Województwa Dolnośląskiego, w…
Lipiec / Sierpień 2020, Bolesławiec/ Legnica / Oborniki Śląskie / Strzelin | Projekt „Przedsięweź ster we własne ręce” jest realizowany w ramach zadania „Działania wspierające aktywizację młodzieży na rynku pracy”,…
November / December 2019, Wrocław, Poland | „YOU are THe tolerance-YOUTH” aims to promote a tolerance, pluralism and respect,exchange best practices and experiences of multicultural societies, and encourage cross-border cooperation….
Październik / Listopad 2019, Oleśnica / Ząbkowice Śląskie, Polska | Projekt „Kompetencje miękkie – nie dla mięczaków” jest realizowany w ramach zadania „Działania wspierające aktywizację młodzieży na rynku pracy”,na zlecenie…
July 2019, Brussels, Belgium | A Youthquake for Culture: Young Europeans Filming Cultural Democracy Final event of the project, this festival is meant to open up the ongoing questionings of…
June 2019, Lithuania | Imagine a language understood by all the people around the world. It’s art, isn’t it? It’s the best way to express feelings, to share ideas, to…
July / August 2019, Kiev, Ukraine | Art allows youth to challenge their selves and go beyond the boundaries. This means that art can be used as a way for…
Kwiecień 2018, Wrocław, Polska | Seminarium Regionalne „Polityka młodzieżowa w Polsce w kontekście migracji młodych” Wydarzenie odbywa się pod honorowym patronatem Marszałka Województwa Dolnośląskiego. Konferencja ma na celu prezentację rezultatów…
January 2017, Vilnius, Lithuania | The academic conference will focus on Open Youth Work. It will also see the launch of the International journal on Open Youth Work. The journal…
Maj 2018, Warszawa, Polska | Seminarium Ogólnopolskie „Polityka młodzieżowa w Polsce” współorganizowane przez Polska Rada Organizacji Młodzieżowych PROM oraz IDEA LAB FOUNDATION pod honorowym patronatem *LAB DRG sp. z o.o….
October 2016, Kiev, Ukraine | IDEA*LAB with full support of the Erasmus+ Program have realized „EUROPE ONE – Refugees mission to survive” a 7 days training course that was taken…
November 2016, Wroclaw, Poland | Together with young experts IDEA*LAB have organized seminar for adult migrants from Ukraine in Poland in order to support inclusion in social and economical life….
Fundacja IDEA LAB
ul. Rzeźnicza 28-31
50-130 Wrocław